Short writing and design projects.
Writing Projects
The Legendary Rants
The ideas for these rants come from a vast list of particularly cultural, social, political and philosophical criticisms of this time in history and the population that inhabit it. I may follow writing out these rants with a YouTube video recording of the rant spoken by me.
Linear and Non-linear Existence
A discussion of the idea that time does not exist as we perceive it, in a linear fashion, but in a nonlinear, cyclical fashion of that all that is, was, and will ever be, exists all at once for only the length of the Planck unit of time.
I hate Pandas
A discussion of evolution and genetics and how they failed in the panda, or if not failed, aided considerably in the population decline, and possible extinction of the panda.
Ethnoevolution -or- on Race
All of those socially uncomfortable observations of reality and social order that no one really wants to talk about.
Theories on the Answers to Physics' Unanswered Questions
One day before my astronomy class started, I was speaking to the S.I. (a friend at the time) and stated my determination to figure out gravity. This rants covers my ideas for the explanations of physics-related phenomenon that currently go unexplained.
Kids These Days
This rant expresses my disappointment, if not disgust, with the new internet generation.
At the Risk of Sounding AntiSemetic
This covers truths about cultural differences, heritage, history, and knowledge of the history of the Jewish people, and why what seems to happen (mistreatment) to Jews keeps happening, searching for answers as to why using a cyclical model and specificity of "the god of Abraham."
People are Stupid
A classic rant most anyone can do, but this is my own personal take on it.
Global Warming/Climate Change
Looking at History to Solve Modern Problems -or- The Importance of History in a Cyclical Universe
What if...(Philosophy)
A discussion of the idea that time does not exist as we perceive it, in a linear fashion, but in a nonlinear, cyclical fashion of that all that is, was, and will ever be, exists all at once for only the length of the Planck unit of time.
I hate Pandas
A discussion of evolution and genetics and how they failed in the panda, or if not failed, aided considerably in the population decline, and possible extinction of the panda.
Ethnoevolution -or- on Race
All of those socially uncomfortable observations of reality and social order that no one really wants to talk about.
Theories on the Answers to Physics' Unanswered Questions
One day before my astronomy class started, I was speaking to the S.I. (a friend at the time) and stated my determination to figure out gravity. This rants covers my ideas for the explanations of physics-related phenomenon that currently go unexplained.
Kids These Days
This rant expresses my disappointment, if not disgust, with the new internet generation.
At the Risk of Sounding AntiSemetic
This covers truths about cultural differences, heritage, history, and knowledge of the history of the Jewish people, and why what seems to happen (mistreatment) to Jews keeps happening, searching for answers as to why using a cyclical model and specificity of "the god of Abraham."
People are Stupid
A classic rant most anyone can do, but this is my own personal take on it.
Global Warming/Climate Change
Looking at History to Solve Modern Problems -or- The Importance of History in a Cyclical Universe
What if...(Philosophy)
Propaganda Search
This is an idea for a project that I wish to pursue in the future. This project involves getting cable television for, oh say, about a month, in which I will use many different television shows, both cable and network, to analyze the propaganda techniques of the modern media, identifying the subtle messages hidden within present day television shows. I will then analyze what I have observed and will provide a brief overview of the general ideas that are promoted in our media without our knowledge.