Do you wish to help me?

Unfortunately, one can not often get by as a writer without the need for money (publishing, promoting), researchable sources (such as access to scholarly journals), and the ability to travel and gather information as needed. If any one wishes to contribute monetarily to or provide a useful source, or sources, for my quest, either contact me or press the donate button to contribute through PayPal.

If you donate money, I will use it in one of the following ways:

  • For travel expenses.
  • For accessing information/research.
  • For promoting.
  • For publishing books.
  • For buying art supplies for misc. illustrations.

There are several individual items/sources that would be very helpful for my research (currently my "Schizophrenia as I see it" book.) If you wish to give items directly, here is a list of things I need:
  • A copy of the DSM V.
  • A domain name
  • Access to scholarly journals for research.
  • Book publishing availability
  • Cable TV for at least a month. (For a small project listed here.)
  • An editor.